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Giro Semántico
Lingüístico (GSL)

By Dr. Dantil

Louis Dantil Giro Semántico Lingüístico (GSL)

About the Linguistic Semantic Turn (LST)

The Semantic Linguistic Turn (SLT) is an ethical-semantic, philosophical, communicative and educational proposal at the level of the media and communication channels and at the level of social education, claiming the role of language as an instrument for fostering and promoting sociocultural cohesion, inclusion and integration through the use of speeches in a way that is convenient to social, human and interpersonal peaceful  relationships in any field, area, communities, organizations and social institutions. The Linguistic Semantic Turn has been proposed by Louis Dantil in its doctoral research in International Peace, Conflicts and Development Studies programme as an alternative to the cultural violence perpetrated by the Mass Media against certain group of people on the move who often are object of the news coverage ONLY when they are involved in a negative story.

Object of Study

The main object of the Linguistic Semantic Turn is the construction of a speech which is suitable to promote inclusion and integration of the groups and collectives marginalized by public and private institutional structures due to cultural violence in their respective community, group, region and country in any social and cultural context. This language must be inclusive and has to pay closed attention to any attempts of semantic abuse that aims to contaminate the use of words as well as their meanings above all, knowing that, the use of certain concepts what they implies may either direct or indirectly affect the integrity and dignity of the persons.

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The main objective of the linguistic semantic turn as a proposal is the structural integration of the human being in the determined social circles and cultural in which he is called to live his relationships of all kinds. Particularly the full integration of people beyond the logic of origin, ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, belief, sexual orientation, skin color, ability, profession, among other things.

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The Linguistic Semantic Turn crosses in a multi-way and interdisciplinary all the research fields and disciplines but, with specific attention to the social sciences and the humanities, since these ones directly deal with studies and reflection on the different dimensions of the human being, which make them the primary responsible for the use made of the words in their respective fields due to the meaning and image they convey through their respective speeches which directl or indirectly influence the perception of public opinion.

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Through the Semantic-Linguistic Discourse Analysis (in spanish ASLD) consisting of establishing the conditions that allows the understanding of construction, transmission and displacement of the meanings that influence the social relations that arise in the different cultural, social, organizational and institutional structures; the Linguistic Semantic Turn develop a three phases and nine steps method consisting in unlearning and deconstructing cultural violence while helping to rebuild and relearn new discursive and epistemological alternatives to construct narratives.

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"To achieve the proposed objectives, the GSL proposes stages and steps to follow. So that the processes of unlearning and deconstruction of cultural violence is carried out in an appropriate way and in a way that favors, among other things, the inclusion and structural integration of people on the move in a peaceful and cohesive way. Such process, phases and steps are gathered under the methodology of the Semantic-Linguistic Discourse Analysis (in spanish ASLD) consisting of establishing the conditions that allow the understanding of the construction, transmission and displacement of the meanings that influence the social relations that arise in the different cultural, social, organizational and institutional structures. In other words, the linguistic semantic turn use the analogy that, the same way that language is used to negatively condition the public opinion, it can be used to produce the greatest possible cohesion and integration beyond the differences and, in a way that strengthens the construction of new citizenships based on equal opportunities for all people in any context of sociocultural diversity" (Louis Dantil, Doctoral Thesis, November of 20221).

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Unlearning and deconstructing cultural violence

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Social reeducation and reconstruction of discourses

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Ethical-semantic and epistemology of the semantic linguistic turn

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Semantic Pragmatism: Insitutionalizing the the debate for major structures and effects


Recognize and identify the violence

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Recognize and identify the consecuences of those violence

Recognize and identify the victims


Identify the actors, factors and causes of violence

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Propose theoretical and practical alternatives change

Identify the important players and their role in change processes


Identify critical points of perpetration of violence.

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Identify and strengthen the points of consensus, negotiating the points of disagreement

Foster the proper functioning of operational and guiding principles of the Linguistic semantic turn.

Principles of the Linguistic Semantic Turn

These principles govern the proposal and guide the facilitating actions. Those that rule the proposal are called Ruling Principles and those that guide it are called called Operational Principles. These principles are intended to facilitate, enable and streamline the integration processes, which implies a two-way work where each one and all parties and actors have something to contribute, something to negotiate and interests to defend.


  • The Ruling Principles are: semantic carefulness, contextualization, socio-cultural cohesion and pacific inconformism

  • The Operational Principles are: inclusion, regulations (legality) and monitoring.

Ethical and Epistemological Actions

IICESII: International Institute of Communication and Education for Structural Inclusion and Integration
CESIIW: Communication and Education for Structural Inclusion and Integration Workshop
ICCESII: International Congress of Communication and Education for Structural Inclusion and Integration
CESIIC: Communication and Education for Structural Inclusion and Integration Course

Get in Touch with Dr. Dantil

30, Calle Trinidad, CS, 12002

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Louis DANTIL, PhD.
Theorist & Promotor of the Linguistic Semantic Turn (LST)

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